Factory Production Control
Mandatory for construction products manufacturers
Factory Production Control (FPC)
European Parliament and EU Council decree 305/2011, issued March 9, 2011, has been binding sine July 1, 2013. The decree is often reffered to as CPR – Construction Products Regulation; it establishes harmonized requirements that allow the release of construction products into the market. The decree 305/2011 repeals the Construction Directive 89/106/EEC.
Both the binding decree and the repealed directive 89/106/EEC obliges all the companies creating construction products to implement the Workplace Production Control system. The companies are obliged to do so irrespective of the conformity assestment system they use. The Workplace Production Control system has to be prepared and implemented by the producer themselves; furthermore, the producers are obliged to prepare the necessary documents and their updates.
Declaration of performance
The CPR decree not only establishes the requirements for the release of the construction products into the EU market, but also creates the principles of branding them with the CE trademark. What is more, it estabishes the necessity of issuing the characteristics utility statements by the producer or their representative, repealing the conformity statement. The characteristics declaration of performance is a precise information on the product's application , its declaration of performance, place and conditions of its usage.
The decree has increased the requirements of the construction products in terms of sustainable construction, e.g. harmful influence to the enviroment:
- no. 3 – Hygiene, health and enviroment
- no. 6 – Energy economy and thermal isolation
New basic requirement has also been issued:
- no. 7 – Sustainable natural resources usage
Scope of application
In terms of Workplace Production Control system, every company has to implement it, irrespective of the company's largeness. If neither any faults occur nor there is no Workplace Production Control system, the General Office of Building Control may impose severe penalties on such a producer.
Procedure of implemantation FPC
he steps:
- the analysis of the current management system in terms of the requirements of the Factory Production Control system; the initial audit
- development of a detailed implementation schedule
- start of the training of the crew
- development of the policy of quality, objectives and strategy for the company and development of the Workplace Production Control system project
- development of the principles of quality management
- construction of the map of processes
- manuals and application forms
- implementation of the system, training of your employees in the obligatory requirements and procedures concerning the system
- final, pre-certificate audit
- inspection of the management system
- selection of the certification body
- participation in the external audit; if chosen by our client
- adjusting activities; if necessary
Advantages of FPC
The implementation of the Factory Production Control system allows to achieve a number of advantages:
- fulfillment of all necessary requirements
- reduction of number of errors
- improvement of internal comunication in the company due to precise definition of rights and responsibilities of the employees
- simplification of the activity due to precise procedures
- confirmation of the fact that activities are conducted in compliance with the law
- confirmation of the highest care for the quality of the services and products
- confirmation of the fact that your company is seeking futuristic and modern solutions
- possible growth in number of potential customers who demand CE trademark from your products
Related services
- The quality management system ISO 9001
- Environmental management system ISO 14001
- Safety management system OHSAS 18001
- Laboratory management system ISO 17025
- Factory Production Control System FPC